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Organize your media library by grouping related files into folders, making it easier to find what you need

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What is Dynamic Folders?

Our Folders plugin offers you a clear and simple benefit: organized and efficient media management. Folders allow you to group files based on defined criteria, reducing time spent searching for specific content. Features like dynamic folders automate file organization and improve search functions within folders. This enables precise retrieval of desired media, streamlining workflows and enhancing overall user experience.

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With the Dynamic Folders feature, you can automatically categorize images, videos, pages, posts, and documents and sort them into relevant folders without any manual input. This is great for managing all aspects of your content library without constantly adding files single-handedly.

content common icon

As you upload new files, Dynamic Folders place them in the right folders based on predefined criteria (e.g. name of author, category, date, etc). This saves time and ensures your files are always organized while ensuring that your galleries always reflect the latest content based on your chosen criteria.

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There are several use cases for this feature, including creating folders for specific projects and automatically grouping related images, videos, and documents for that project based on tags, keywords, or dates.

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Also, if you run seasonal campaigns (Black Friday, New Year, or Christmas) on your website, you can upload and group content for the campaign based on dates and showcase products relevant to current promotions, ensuring timely and targeted marketing efforts

Overall, the Dynamic Folders feature offers you a chance to automate media organization by category, save business time, boost accuracy, improve workflow, and simplify inventory & content management. Businesses of all sizes can reap significant benefits from implementing Dynamic Folders.

Automatic Population

Create folders based on pre-defined rules, such as file type, date, tags, keywords, or custom criteria. This automatically organizes your files without manual intervention. Folders update automatically as new files matching the criteria are added, ensuring your organization is always current.

Automatic Population
Targeted Searches

Targeted Searches

Instead of searching your entire library, focus your search within specific dynamic folders based on their predefined criteria. This allows for more precise and relevant results, saving you time and frustration.

Efficient Workflow

Streamlines your content management and retrieval processes. With a smoother process for organizing your files, you can focus on the important stuff, like creating high-quality content or making strategic decisions.

Efficient Workflow
Multi-Platform Support

Multi-Platform Support

Our Folders plugin supports various platforms including Elementor and WooCommerce by adding organized media management directly within your website building workflow. Instead of relying on WordPress' default library, you can create, categorize, and manage images, videos, and other files directly within familiar interfaces like Elementor's visual editor or WooCommerce's product pages.


Can I use Folders on more than 1 website?

Where can I see a live demo of Folders plugin?

How long is my paid Folders license valid for?

Will I be charged a renewal fee automatically after my license expires?

Will Folders stop working if I don't renew my license?

Do you offer refunds?

How do I activate my Pro plugin?

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