How to change or translate your Subscribe Forms placeholders

In this guide we’ll show you how to change or translate your Subscribe Forms widget placeholders into your own text or language. To read more about how to create an embedded subscribe form with the Subscribe Forms plug-in, click here.

While the plug-in settings are in English by default (you may be able to translate them with a third-party plug-in, although we personally haven’t done that just yet), any placeholder that is clickable you can fill in with your own text or in your own language.

Let’s get right into it. Open the Subscribe Forms settings from your WordPress dashboard and click on any field. For example, you can change or translate the consent checkbox text, name and email fields, error message text, heading and subheading, ”Submit” button text, etc.

To do this, simply click on the field you want to change to activate it and type your own text, in any language.

You can change or translate the consent checkbox text… 

error message when the consent checkbox hasn’t been selected…

name placeholder…

email placeholder…

error message that email is required for subscription…

successful submission message…

subscribe form heading and subheading…

subscribe button text…

and privacy heading…

That’s it! When you’re done, don’t forget to hit the ”Save changes” button to make sure your settings will be displayed accordingly. In the end, depending on your settings and customisations, it should look something like this…

Still have questions? Ping us at our Facebook group, and we’d love to help out!