In this help guide, we will try to explain how to customize the appearance of the Folders plugin.
To learn more about how to use the plug-in click here, and don’t forget to check our entire Folders knowledgebase to make the most out of it.
То read how to expand your ”working area”, click here. If you want to hide the Folders menu from the top, click here to learn how.
Here we have explained through the example of WordPress Website Dashboard.
You can follow through the steps below to understand:
Go to Folders Settings on your WordPress dashboard
Scroll down and click on Customize Folders. Here you will find various options to edit the appearance of various elements of the plugin.
To change the colour of a tab, click on the colour box of the tab and select a colour, then hit Submit.
You can preview the changes you make through the Preview option on the right. For example, we have changed the colour for the Bulk Organize tab:
Apart from this you can also change the Folders Font Style and Folders Icon SizeFolders
When you are satisfied with the Changes, just hit Save Changes.
You can see the actual changes on the Plugin through the image attached below: