Content marketing is as important as any other marketing tool and it may be even more important than old ones. 86% of B2C marketers are sure that content marketing is a key strategy and rightfully so.
This marketing tool is good for both small and big businesses. Small businesses need it the most because content marketing is a perfect way to drive traffic. Traffic is essential for being noticed among all the new businesses opening every day.
Moreover, content marketing enables an increase in audience retention, trust establishment within the target audience, better leads generation, and improved conversions.
However, you need to know what content you should deliver, when, and where in order to use all the benefits that this strategy offers. It may be difficult to do without previous knowledge. So if you are a beginner in content marketing, it is essential that you read it. If you have been working with it already, you may find something useful and take your content strategy to a whole new level.
We prepared 7 content marketing tips for small businesses using WordPress so that all the marketers out there can gain the best from all the effort they put in this strategy.

1) Deliver the Best Content
Top-quality content is the root of content marketing. If you deliver bad content, you do more harm to your business than good: the probability of sales decreases, since buyers do not consider your brand professional and useful anymore.
That is why every business should consider investing in creating high-quality content that would bring value to the audience and new clients to the business. In order to find the best content ideas, try these simple ideas:
Relate To Customer Problems and Offer Solutions
You can establish pain points by asking customers on social media, making a funny quiz, or analyzing the experience of people around you – friends, family, acquaintances. Try to connect with your customers by telling them that you know and understand their problems.
Tell Stories
Storytelling is the heart of content marketing. Stories have a different effect on every person, thus it is not written for audiences but rather for individuals. It evokes emotional connection, trust, a motivation to do something. Moreover, it is always unique: you can find how to dos elsewhere but stories can be owned by one single person. It is also perfect for brand creation which small businesses should strive for.
Create Lists
The Internet loves lists: they are easy to read, they are easy to write, and they are a perfect call to action. Try to find something related to your business and produce the content that is loved by the audience.
If you want to leverage on plugins, here are 14 WordPress plugins to use to create killer content!
2) Optimize Your Content
There is a lot of work to be done when it comes to content optimization.
First of all, you want your title to be specific and telling. Clickbaits are popular and widely used. Yet, if the shocking title has nothing to do with contents, readers will believe the title once or twice but they will eventually give up trusting you.
It is also important to use the titles that tell – so that the person can decide if they are interested in the article or not. You will rank higher as well.
Secondly, be brief when it is needed. We love long articles or explainer videos if they are actually useful and every sentence has meaning. It is easy to put unnecessary words in order to make it longer. Yet, is there any use in that? Try to forget about using the 2000 word for articles that can easily fit into 500 words. It will spare the time of both you and the reader.
Thirdly, make it structured. Long paragraphs and unhighlighted heading or complete absence of those are a mood killer. Readers will not want to put effort into sentences that never end.
Fourthly, readability on every device is a must. With 3.2 billion mobile users, you can not hope that content will be seen on computers only. By optimizing your content for tablets and mobiles, you will reach out to bigger audiences and make life more comfortable for users who are already involved.
The last point is the usage of keywords. It will make it easier for customers to browse the content within your site and the Internet users are more likely to click on your page in Google.

3) Use Different Types of Content
Blog articles are amazing, however, you need to create top-notch content to make the reader finish the piece, as people today are less likely to thoroughly read the content on the web. If you want your copy to stand out and convert readers into paying customers, you can use the essay service offered by various providers who help you curate a great copy for your website.
Also, try to experiment with other types of content such as podcasts, engaging videos, memes (using video meme generator), or infographics using a free online infographic maker like Venngage or Canva. Creating various types of content would keep your reader engaged and involved. Moreover, video, audio, and written content would help you reach different types of people and this also enlarges the pool of individuals that have somehow interacted with your brand.
4) Be Collaborative
You can offer your content to journalists, influencers, or other blogs. The people who you collaborate with will get the unique content from an expert – copywriters will not be able to write such in-depth content as you can.
In return, your business gets exposure. Such a win-win approach also helps businesses to better connect with their target audience.
When people see their favorite influencers or media they trust recommending a certain product, they are more willing to eventually develop an interest in it and make a purchase.
5) Use Good WordPress Theme
Content is not only about words, it should also look good. Aesthetically-looking articles are much more pleasant to read. Moreover, the look of your site is a part of your identity. You can not provide support in graphic design and have an absolutely tedious website.
You will also need a theme that loads fast and is easy to navigate. In fact, 40% of customers will not wait longer than three seconds for the site to load.
If a customer liked your first article and they want to either read it or buy something from you, it is essential that they find what they need easily. Otherwise, they will just stop at the point of reading one article and never come back.
With all the themes available, it might be difficult for small businesses to find the one. However, if you spend enough time looking, you can find a theme that looks professional and has a reasonable cost.
If you plan to utilize your WordPress website as the main traffic source, it might be worth considering creating the customized theme to better organize your website’s content and to increase the conversion rate.
6) Be Consistent
It is a common mistake to post when they feel like it or when they finally find a topic to write about. You must not post whenever you want.
Try to put off articles if you see that you are being too active and save those for the times when you have absolutely no idea of what to post. By posting at specific times, you create a habit within your content consumers and a feeling of knowing what to expect. So they will know when to visit the site for new content and will not forget to do so.
By constantly adding new content to your website, you also show Google that the website is being active and is providing users with the relevant and up-to-date information and such a strategy helps you increase your ranking in search results.
Also, do not forget to update your old content if you understand that it does not clearly answer the search intent anymore or if some new information has become available.
7) Use Analytics For Your Content Marketing
Analytics will show you who your target audience is and what content they enjoy the most. By analyzing content performance, you can decide what topics to highlight more, what type of content is the most viral, and what topics are not worth your effort.
Make sure to install Google Analytics in WordPress to analyze your website’s ranking in search results and find areas for improvement. As a small business, you can try creating content for low-competition niche-relevant keywords that are easier to rank for. Creating engaging content that satisfies the search intent and boosting it with link building would bring you great results if you stick to your strategy.
Content marketing is essential for small businesses as a source of traffic. In order to make the most out of content marketing, deliver the best content, optimize it, diversify it by podcasts, videos, or infographics, make collaborations with journalists or other blogs, choose a good-looking and fast-loading WordPress theme. Be consistent in your posting and use analytics to provide content consumers with the best content ideas.
These tips are not hard to follow but they do bring great results that you have never even dreamt of.